Friday, January 22, 2010

Day Eleven: An Old Friend

This afternoon we picked up the new "Wii Fit Plus" game which is basically an expansion pack for the Wii Fit.  Besides being a ton of fun, cracking out my yoga mat reminded me of the "freebie" site that sent me the mat long before couponing came into my life: Club Bing (formerly known as Club Live). 

Developed by Microsoft as an attempt to compete with Google (author's conclusions, does not represent any statements made by Microsoft), Bing is a search engine, and Club Bing involves a series of internet games that one can play to earn points.  At one time there were no limits on daily points earned; however, this was changed a long time ago likely due to people like me who were so addicted they would earn enough points for an XBox 360 controller in one afternoon and got some of the highest-ticket prizes in a rather short period of time. 

These days there is a limit of 1000 points per day, but the games are fun -particularly if you enjoy word games-and participation is completely free!  The prizes take a few weeks to arrive in the mail once ordered and again, there are no fees for the delivery.  Caveat: prizes change frequently so that rumba robot you've desperately been trying to save 30,000 points for might not be around at the end of the month no matter how faithfully you've played. 

However, there always seems to be something worth getting, and the prize groups have really expanded from the video-game selections originally available to things like frequent flyer miles, collections of popular Food Network chefs, and the current top-pointers: a GPS system and a designer purse by Michael Kors.

Next Wednesday (January 27th) is a Double Points Day which means just what it sounds like.  It takes some time for the doubled points to arrive but it's a good opportunity to score 2000 points for the same effort as 1000!

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